We Build Connection to Talk About Race
Safe and Connected Racial Conversations
Service Description
Support the People in your organization by providing a space for safe racial conversations. Provide a space for your staff to process, validate, and mend racial experiences. We facilitate connection, safety, body-mind-energy interventions, and structure to promote validation and empathy for your staff's racial experiences. The conversations do not end racism but offer a stepping stone to end it by providing a space for open dialogue for the people most affected by the pressures of living within a system of racial injustice. We employ our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace Certification, our experiences as racial justice workshop providers, and our lived experiences as an interracial and intercultural couple to foster spaces of listening and learning without judgment. After the conversations, if you want to support ongoing racial healing for your team members, we offer targeted sessions for group members or teams who need additional space to process racial-related traumatic and challenging experiences and dynamics. We also offer affinity groups for black individuals, people of color (as they self-identify), and white individuals to explore in-depth solutions and strategies for creating spaces of awareness, connection and inclusion for all. The work of racial connection is possible. Start the conversations! We are here to support you. Connect with us today!

Contact Details
202 670 7180
3rd floor 50 E Street Southeast, Capitol Hill, Washington, DC, USA